I'm at the office now. I've been here since about 6am. I'm running some heavy-computing projects, and I need the data for class tomorrow. (If there _is_ class tomorrow, campus is closed today because of snow)
The data is only useful at the end of each iteration. The previous iteration had been running since 9:19am. It's now 11:47am. It was a little more than a quarter complete (6000 cycles out of 20,000). I need to wait for this iteration to complete, to make sure the rest will process correctly, before I can leave.
A few minutes ago, the CEB had a power failure. No worries though, because I picked up a UPS a couple weeks ago, after the
previous power failure. It's all good, right?
Well, it turns out that there are two different sides to the UPS. One is a surge protector, and one is a surge protector PLUS UPS. One of those two sides was covered by a sticker. Can you guess which one?
So now I'm starting over.
Current mood: Frustrated.
MORE GOOD NEWS!The power outage has reset the security system. My keycard won't open any doors anymore. Also, the magnetic door stops release during power outages (the doors close). So, if I leave the building, I can't come back. If I go to the bathroom, and there's another power outage (there already was another one since the original post), I won't be able to get back to my office.
Best day evar! :'-(