Part of my job entails walking around the classroom and making sure that the students are writing down proper English. Today, I actually chuckled in class when I saw that one of my students had made a minor spelling error.
The student was transcribing a dialog involving "two tickets to a rock concert", and had misspelled the word "rock". Being family friendly, I can't say what type of concert he had written, only that I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
You suck, I found myself reading down the list until I found the applicable quote...
ReplyDeleteAnd I HATED Sienfield. :p
ReplyDeleteThat last one was from Rob...
Geez, who leaves an anonymous comment instead of getting their own account so they don't have to remember to sign their name? (That's a joke just for us).
ReplyDeleteAnd don't take your phone-envy frustrations out on Seinfeld. ;)
Actually, the episode that particular quote is from is one I have never actually seen. I saw the last maybe 30 seconds, and a clip from it once, but I know enough of the episode plot to get the reference. :D
I like Seinfeld, but I think the Adventures of Seinfeld and Superman were better (I have a link to it around here somewhere....ah, I remember were it is, I put it at GOOGLE.COM so I wouldn't lose may have to do a search though, I store a lot of my links there). I would have liked to have seen more of those (maybe with the Green Lantern...). The second episode is better than the first.