How can SMBC be so funny on a daily basis?
Comic 1465, in particular = awesome.
Breaking the Silence
2 months ago
Phoenix and Corben fistfight in heaven.
Love it.Maddy and Jonathan are eating dinner.Maddy: Don't scrape that off, it's meant to be that color. It's Cajun; blackened catfish.
Jonathan: Looks more like halibut to me.
Maddy: Well, blackened halibut then. I had to improvise. Could we have less of the pedanticism and just eat?Jonathan takes a bite.Jonathan: The word is pedantry.
Phoenix looks at his watch. The delivery took close to two hours.Pizza-guySorry I'm late, I couldn't find this place.
Where: Spokane, Washington, USAOf course, if you don't want to run it, you can always volunteer. ^_^
When: Sunday, May 3, 2009
Distance: 12 kilometers (7.46 miles)
Entry Fee: $15.00 (by mail, before deadline)
$15.00 + $1.49 (online, before deadline)
$30.00 (by mail, with late fee)
$30.00 + $2.99 (online, with late fee)
Entry Deadline: April 14, 2009 for mailed entries
April 19, 2009 for online entries
Eligibility: Open to all runners, walkers, wheelchairs, assisted wheelchairs and strollers.
Race Start: 9:00 a.m.: Elite, Corporate Cup & Brown
9:05-9:15 (approx.): Yellow & Green
9:15-9:45 (approx.): Orange & Blue
9:45-10:05 (approx.): Lilac
10:10 (approx.): Red
Course Closes: 1:30 p.m.
Co-worker snickers.PhoenixExcuse me, do you guys have toe socks?FemaleNo, I'm afraid not.PhoenixOh? I thought you used to.Female (sarcastically)Well, they became cool again.
How does Phoenix respond?FemaleTry coming back two years ago.
The reason they substituted "find a stranger in the alps" and "feed a stranger scrambled eggs" was explained in the book "I'm a Lebowski, You're a Lebowski". While doing the TV dubbing, they just let John Goodman go crazy (must have rubbed off from his Vietnam crazed "Walter" character ) in the dubbing booth and this is what he came up with. Pretty funny and now it's urban legend.
Here is a Hinamatsuri song called "Ureshii Hinamatsuri (Happy Hinamatsuri)."
Akari o tsukemashou bonbori ni 明かりをつけましょう ぼんぼりに |
Ohana o agemashou momo no hana お花をあげましょう 桃の花 |
Go-nin bayashi no fue taiko 五人ばやしの 笛太鼓 |
Kyo wa tanoshii Hinamatsuri 今日は楽しいひな祭り |
Let's light the lanterns |
Let's set peach flowers |
Five court musicians are playing flutes and drums |
Today is a joyful Dolls' Festival |
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I just needed code to load, parse, and write the rss data in the post loop. Oh no! The DATE information isn't in any format that javascript can recognize! So I have to parse that too.function parseXSDDateString(dateString) {
var Zp = (dateString.charAt(10) == "T") ? 19 : 10;
if (19 == Zp) {
if ("." == dateString.charAt(19)) {
dateString = dateString.substr(0, 18) + dateString.substr(22);
var xDate = new Date(dateString.substr(0, Zp).replace(/-/g, '/').replace("T", " "));
if (dateString.length > Zp) {
xDate.setMinutes(xDate.getMinutes() + xDate.getTimezoneOffset());
if (dateString.charAt(Zp) != "Z") {
var tZ = dateString.substr(Zp).split(":");
tZ = tZ[0] * 60 + (tZ[1] * 1);
xDate.setMinutes(xDate.getMinutes() + tZ);
return xDate;
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document.write("<dt class='comment-author blogger-comment-icon' id='" + id + "'>");
document.write("<a name='" + id + "'></a>");
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document.write("<dd class='comment-body'>");
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document.write("<a href='" + permalink + "' title='comment permalink'>");
(Yes, it would be more proper not to use document.write
but I'm lazy).<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
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I changed this to:<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'><b:if cond='data:post.numComments == 1'>1 <data:top.commentLabel/><b:else/><data:post.numComments/> <data:top.commentLabelPlural/></b:if></a>
<b:if cond='data:post.numComments > 0'>
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Hurray, success! Or I should say SUCCESS, since there's apparently a text-transform:uppercase in effect. So add text-transform:none;
to #comments-block
and voila.![]() |
![]() |